
Life's Guarantee

New Lyrics



We're fed lies all of our lives

From the cradle to the grave

When we die we get a prize

Becoming numb to this game


I'm starting to realize

There is no afterlife 

Once we step into the light 

That is our final flight


Empty clouds and endless skies

Eternal blackness of space

Burned to ashes and said goodbyes

Pile of bones is all that remains


We're blinded by all the lights

From the darkness on its way

We can't see the warning signs

Ill-prepared for judgement day


I'm starting to realize

There is no afterlife

Once we step into the light

That is our final flight


Empty clouds and endless skies

Eternal blackness of space

Burned to ashes and said goodbyes 

Pile of bones is all that remains


Once we step into the light

That's when we will say goodnight


Empty clouds and endless skies

Eternal blackness of space

Burned to ashes and said goodbyes 

Pile of bones is all that remains


The only thing in life that's guaranteed is death

Author's Notes/Comments: 


My latest creative work. I tried to tackle the subject of the afterlife on this one. hopefully this will get some good feedback. 

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Power and Control


I dominte my life,

I control my life,

To you I am a slave,

I have no control,

You dominate me,

I hate myself,

I hate you more,

I long for you,

Ache for you,

I beg you to go,

I wish for your absense,

Yet I still miss you,

How can your touch hurt me,

Yet at the same time heal me,

I feel the grip around my neck,

Tendrils coil and tighten,

A gentle squeeze,

My hand shakes,

I have no power,

You have control,

The darkness grows,

Shadows elongate,

My hand steadies,

I hold your coldness in my fingers,

I feel you whispering to my soul,

Screaming at me,

Controlling me,

My eyes are lifeless,

Like a porcelain doll,

I move deliberately,

I move carefully,

I need control,

I need to feel your power,

Metal peels away flesh,

A burning heat from within,

Deliberately slow,

Line after line,

I feel the adrenaline,

The power of the blood flowing,

The intoxicating smell of life,

I want this to never end,

I want control,

I want power,

I want to feel it drain,

More and more flesh is opened,

A familiar metallic tang hangs in the air,

Again and again and again,

Who am I kidding,

I have no control,

I have no power,

I hate myself for loving you,

Im addicted to the idea,

A deadly idea,

How curious am I?

The sheet stained claret,

My arms are a mess,

A curious glance,

A reoccuring thought,

The addiction to a high I cant replicate,

You never forget your first time,

How close you are,

The power to control everything,

At the same time,

Controlling the power within,

There it is again,

Power and control,

The power in between your fingertips,

The control of the action,

A finishing touch,

No control,

Too much power,

A spinning head,

Those lifeless eyes glinting in the shadows,

That last slice,

A final rush of heat,

The calm before the storm,

I have neither,

Power or control.

Promise Me

New Lyrics



You know I love you

You know I'd do anything for you

You know I'll shield you

From the daggers that they threw at you


When I'm gone I know you'll carry on

When I leave, promise me you'll be strong


And don't give in to the whispering wind

Which will only be the sweet temptation 

Of me calling out for you to be with me

So promise me you'll be strong after I'm gone

Just promise me please 


I know you love me

I know you're the only one for me

I know you saved me

From myself and from my misery


When I’m gone I know you'll carry on

When I leave, promise me you'll be strong


And don't give in to the whispering wind

Which will only be the sweet temptation 

Of me calling out for you to be with me

So promise me you'll be strong after I'm gone

Just promise me please 


You know I love you


So don't give in to the whispering wind

Which will only be the sweet temptation 

Of me calling out for you to come join me

So promise me (promise me) you'll be strong after I'm gone

Just promise me

Please promise me


Author's Notes/Comments: 



Brand new one. Please comment, I'd love some feedback 

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Fragile Echoes

Other Poems

Whispers in the dark, a slow decay,
Breathless nights, the light fades away,
In the mirror, I see a ghost,
A shadow of the girl I used to know.


Blood runs cold, time slows to crawl,
A rhythm lost, in the silence of it all,
In my chest, a fragile beat,
Counting moments till we meet.


And I, I feel it slipping,
Life's grip is loosening,
Heart's a fragile echo,
Fading slow, fading slow.


Lonely nights, the stars seem far,
Hoping for a sign, a distant star,
But the weight, it drags me down,
In the deep end, I drown.


Fighting hard, but it's a losing game,
Every breath a whisper of pain,
In my veins, a river dry,
Wishing only to survive.


And I, I feel it slipping,
Life's grip is loosening,
Heart's a fragile echo,
Fading slow, fading slow.


If I could turn back time,
I'd take it all, make it mine,
But the past is set in stone,
And I'm left here alone.


Final verse, the story's told,
A heart too weak, a soul grown old,
In the silence, I make my peace,
With the echoes that never cease.


And I, I feel it slipping,
Life's grip is loosening,
Heart's a fragile echo,
Fading slow, fading slow.


In the end, we all must go,
But in the echoes, we'll still flow,
A fragile beat, a final breath,
In the quiet, I find my rest.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have had 2 heart issues this year that required hosptilization. This is the result of that...



I was walking the other morning as I do most every day

when up ahead I saw a car stop in the middle of the street…then quickly drive away.


I didn’t think much about this as I was enjoying the stars, the planets and the moon

until I realized that car…had run over a raccoon.


I thought it was just a cat sleeping in the road…

(on my morning walk this is something I often see)

until she raised her head as I walked by and that raccoon looked up at me. 


Never approach a wild animal is a rule to which I steadfastly adhere

but something in her eyes told me there was nothing for me to fear.


I knelt down in the street next her…told her I’d sit with her a while

and as she laid her head back on the street…I think I saw her smile.


Within minutes she closed her eyes, stopped breathing

and that morning just before the dawn

as tears fell from my eyes I knew that she was gone.


I couldn’t do anything to save her when I found her lying out there on her own

but I was glad I came along and she did not die alone.


Once again nature gives us a lesson she’s hoping we all will heed

how sometimes in life and death…a little comfort is all we ever need.


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The Light

New Lyrics

The Light


Numb, losing control

Broken, shivering cold

Stuck down in this hole

Darkness surrounds my soul


God don't take me

I don't wanna die tonight

Jesus save me

I can barely see the light

Lord forgive me

I'm trying to make it right


Can't you help me see the light?


Lost so far from home

Alone, nowhere to go

Weak and losing hope

Plunging towards the unknown


God don't take me

I don't wanna die tonight

Jesus save me

I can barely see the light

Lord forgive me

I'm trying to make it right


Won't you help me see the light?


I'm about to break

I don't want to fade

On my knees I pray

Are my words in vain?

Everything seems gray

The edges start to fray

Nothing left to say

There's nothing left to say


God don't take me

I don't wanna die tonight 

Jesus save me

I can barely see the light

Lord forgive me

I'm trying to make this right


Someone help me see the light

Will no one help me see the light?



Author's Notes/Comments: 

One of my newest ones.


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Interrupted Rations


Death cap's pale allure

Whispers promises, then chokes

Amanita's kiss

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Mushrooms may be beautiful and taste delicious, but for me, sadly, it's all about the anaphylaxis.

There is a secret message, hiding in plain sigh? Can you decipher it? 

View cynosure's Full Portfolio

Dances through time


Ancient rites, once revered, now reel

In playgrounds where children peal

With laughter, unaware of the seal

That time has placed on what was real.


Solemn steps of shamans past

Morph into games that last and last,

As cultural currents, swift and vast,

Erode the essence, unsurpassed.


Tribal truths, once held so dear,

Trickle down through time's frontier.

Sacred symbols disappear,

Leaving echoes faint but clear.


Profound becomes profane, we find,

As generations leave behind

The weight of wisdom, once enshrined,

Now light as air and unconfined.


From archaic altars to schoolyard scenes,

The dance of time intervenes,

Transforming what tradition means—

A metamorphosis of memes.


So sacred turns to silly play,

As yesterday fades into today.

Yet in this change, we might survey

The threads that bind us, come what may

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was inspired by Sir James George Frazer and his theories discussed in The Golden Bough.

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Dear Chester

New Lyrics


Dear Chester,

The first time I heard you left

It put a huge void in my soul

Knowing I'd never hear your words again

Made me break down and lose control


And although you didn't know me

You inspired and you showed me

The side of you that's a part of me

The pain I felt in your melody


But your memory will never fade

You'll be remembered just the same 

Hmm, and no one else can take your place

And you should know this world won't be the same


Dear Chester,

I was a kid at your stage

But I have grown so much since then

And I still recall the crowd and the cheers

That amazing experience


And although you didn't know me

You inspired and you showed me 

The side of you that's a part of me 

The pain I felt in your melody 


But your memory will never fade

You'll be remembered just the same

Hmm, and no one else can take your place

And you should know this world won't be the same


And your energy 

Resonates with me

Set your spirit free

Set your spirit free

Set your spirit free

Set your spirit free


But your memory will never fade (set your spirit free)

You'll be remembered just the same (set your spirit free)

Hmm, and no one else can take your place (set your spirit free)

You should know that this world won't be the same


Dear Chester,

Dear Chester 

Author's Notes/Comments: 




This is my tribute/homage to Chester Bennington (vocals- Linkin Park) 3/20/1976 - 7/20/2017




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