
Desperate defiance in the dark

Desperate defiance in the dark



Voice vanishing, vaporised by virtual vitriol

Algorithms amplify absence, abandonment

Words once winged now wither, wane

Trauma's tendrils tighten, twist, torment



Silence. Deafening. Oppressive. Inescapable.



Childhood's cruel cacophony echoes, endures

Rape's raw rage resurfaces, relentless 

Abuse's ache amplifies, accumulates

Gaslighting's glare grows, guts grace



A chill wind of indifference swept through the room, leaving me shivering and unseen.



Neurodivergent narratives, now nullified 

Vestibular vertigo, vision vacillating

Fibrous fire flares, flays fragile flesh

Depression's darkness deepens, devastating



The empty chair across from me seemed to mock my solitude, 


its vacant seat a cruel reminder of my isolation.



Social streams shrink, shrivelling slowly

Platforms purge purpose, passion, power

Identity invalidated, invisibility impending

Self-worth withers like wilting flower


In silence, I found solitude; in solitude, I embraced silence


Yet still, soft syllables simmer, survive

Waiting, whispering: "We will rise."

For even silenced, stifled, suppressed

The soul's song softly, surely sighs



Through the hollow halls, past the empty rooms, 


beyond the echoing silence, 


a single, defiant voice dared to speak



In the depths of this suffocating silence, 

A flicker persists, refuses to die. 

Though the world may try to extinguish our light, 

We will rise, reclaim our stolen sky.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is perhaps, one of those "My struggle doesn't look like your struggle". 

Perhaps also, as the first person I showed this to, was unsure how to reply. Eventually they said: It is like you are bleeding straight onto the page.

They continued, keenly observing that. "People do struggle in knowing what to say. I think looking away while you’re so vulnerable is a relic of patriarchy: waiting for you to put your armour back on and get back up and keep pretending we’re all fucking fine."

heart flip

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 8/5/20

we love questioning our sexuality...again


Author's Notes/Comments: 

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Apple Cider (day 106)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 11/10/16

Apple cider

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Password (day 34)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 9/3/16


Not my best...kinda shit...but 200 day challenge requires writing till the water runs clear, so I'm going with it.

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