Today I’m grateful for our food…
as no meal would be complete..
If before we start we didn’t take moment
to thank the food we’re about to eat.
Permit me now this slight confession…
for years about sushi I’ve had the wrong impression.
I thought all sushi was spicy…I’ve thought this since I was young…
and I have an aversion to any food that burns my lips, my mouth…and tongue
I’ve also thought sushi’s main ingredient was unhealthy uncooked fish…
I mean why would I want to pay to be served raw fish on a dish?
Finally I thought all sushi was made from seaweed…and I never felt the need
the longing or proclivity…to eat weeds pulled from the sea.
But my opinion recently changed…here I’ll try to be concise..
when Deborah talked me into eating sushi made from vegetables and rice.
No spice, and no raw fish…near as I could tell…
and if they added any seaweed…they hid it very well.
I even tried Deborah’s sushi…(I didn’t want to be a wimp!)
when she offered me a simple helping of her tempura shrimp.
I said the shrimp was tasty…but some of it was hard to chew…
until Deborah told me that’s because I ate the tail too.
All in all my first encounter with sushi was a pleasant one.
You might say…for sushi I now have a yen…
which means to my astonishment…I will be back again.
But I do have one piece of advice for the sushi restaurant…
the breading on the shrimp tail…I think you should have withdrawn it…
I mean…if you don’t want me to eat it…
don’t put tempura on it.