
Kitchen Blessing (016)

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Seasons In Hell
Author's Notes/Comments: 

In Nomine Satanas, Potentiam Inferus!

Rev. Blackthorne

Invernal Equinox

Seasons In Hell
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Upon an Apotheosis night, was The Spell cast, to bring forth the rains to replenish the land. And so the hellements stirred in flux, one season blending with another, storm after storm, destruction and contruction, that the scales be balanced. The atmosphere tranforms like the environment, to preserve favorable conditions. And so it is.

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Echoes In The Darkness

Seasons In Hell
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Soon before performance of Walpurgis Rite, there was a strange noise outside. Upon inspection, I witnessed the metal gate was OPEN. The winds were not strong enough to initiate it opening, having to force the latch to be taught. Upon utilizing the process of elimination, it can be determined that this event may have a supernatural cause. Given the night of occurrence {Walpurgisnacht}, it is therefore determined that this is SATAN paying a visit! The like has occured before at other locations as well. This is a confirmation of manifestation.

{Parapsychology: Echoes in the darkness. "Egregore projection" deriving from shadowside subconscious balanced with conscious. Shadowside reflection / daemonic energy directed force, paranormal expectation, anthropomorphized, formed or formless; inner sentience æthyric refraction}

Also, shortly after that, a whirlwind whipped about the domicile from a still night, shaking the windows and trembling the walls. A demonic zephyr to confirm the previous event! After which it was still again. Thank you, and Hail SATAN!

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Satanic Unholydays

Seasons In Hell
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Seasons In Hell celebrations. Rite references from Dracomeroth unless otherwise noted. Ideally, all celebrations include cake & orgies!


Seasons In Hell
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Another year of Infernality & sinful rapture assured, Unholy Communion partaken in pleasures & delights of the flesh, sacrifices placed in their graves, the Grande Samhain Sabbat a legendary one, Sorcery smoldering, Dread Rites to open The Gates unleashing the Hellemental Daemons from nature within & around, one complementing the other, the masks of Satan overshadowing the moon and mind, evoking nightmares come alive! Presided over by Baphomet, illuminating Satan's Throne in POWER UNENDING. 


Echo of a shadow

Author's Notes/Comments: 

loved NIN's "copy of a copy"

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

H is for Hellfire, Jack O' Lantern's light
A is for Absinthe, sipped with delight
L is for Lucifer, gleaming with pride
L is for Lust, bonefires burn bright
O is for Occult, the dark of the mind
W is for Warlock & Witch, spells cast tonight
E is for 'Evil'*, living with might!
E is for Eldritch, mysterious sights
N is for Netherworld, The Gates opened wide!

* "Live" spelled backwards.