

Author's Notes/Comments: 

#NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021 #day4 It's always nice to see the sunshine so it inspired my short poem for day four. Trying to distract myself from the fact my husband died on this date 7 years ago...hard to believe how fast time flies...sunshine is a great distraction...always lifts my mood. Happy Easter!

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Poetry Writing

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's day three already of National Poetry Month...doing a poem a day...looked at a couple of was about communication and another was What I'm trying to say...this sort of fits those categories...communicating what poetry writing is like...


Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's day 2 of National Poetry Month April 2021...true story here...always trust your intuition! I am having second thoughts about that last line...kinda torn between cuz I didn't listen and because I didn't listen hmmm it works either way I suppose...

I trust my intuition

I'm sorry when I don't

make the right decision

because I didn't listen


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Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's National Poetry Month #NaPoMo once again... April 2021 Day One...I was looking for poetry prompts cuz I intend to write a poem a day for national poetry month. I found a few but didn't like any of them so just did it my way...impromptu....

Poetry Tip

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wrote this little poem in response to a question on twitter about poetry's a cute little ditty and good advice so thought i would share it here...


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was watching something on TV and someone mentioned there weren't too many poets and I wondered if that were true or wrote this thinking basically if I can do it anyone can...maybe different things are easy to different people...what do you think? Are we in the minority?

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Believe That Things Will Be Allright

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this for Songfancy's Five Songs in Five Days Challenge. This is the start of it as a poem/lyrics. We were given these words to use I believe five out of ten. I used all ten words... wood,roast,spin,sitting,chilled,anymore,wool,night,crinkle,sound

If I do turn it into a song the amplifier for the challenge was to use these chords C,G,Am,F 


Come On Now, We Can Do This!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this one awhile back for a project on HitRecord...forgot to share it here. Wanted to share it so it doesn't get lost...

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