
Share Your Knowledge

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have unfortunately suffered quite a few side effects from prescription meds which caused me to be a lot more cautious and not just blindly follow doctor's orders who never even think about side effects even when you let them know you have them that is the last thing they are concerned now I search for natural remedies without side effects. The more I learn about alternative ways to improve health the more I want to share it with others so they don't suffer the same fate. Sometimes people just can't benefit from your pain because they refuse to listen. I guess they just have to learn the hard way like I did but it won't stop me from trying to help someone out there that might actually listen and take my advice. There are so many of us that have things happen to us and try to share all the knowledge we have about it to help others not suffer the same fate and mostly just get criticized for trying to help. It is better to share knowledge than to keep it to ourselves. If it even helps just one other person that is great...if not at least we tried...better to try than be silent.

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Shining Very Bright

Author's Notes/Comments: 

We all have a dark side that contrasts with the light. I suppose opposites are necessary to compare but always strive towards the light...positive vibes,peace,love, higher vibrations....try to block out the negative dark stuff...that is the gist of this poem written a day early for the last day of #NationalPoetryMonth #NaPoMo #PoemADay #April2021 #Day30

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Moral Compass

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was inspired reading about a juvenile that tied an electrical cord around a dog's neck and lit him on fire. This happened in Missouri and since they were under 12 they were not charged with any crime. So he is free to go out and do it again and harm who knows how many other innocent animals. Why do people do such horrible things? They said if he were older he would have been charged with a felony and got up to three years. The sentence does not fit the crime. They should be much harsher on animal abusers. They are living sentient beings and dogs with their unconditional love trusting humans for them to do such horrific things to them disgusts me. Do people not have a conscience anymore? Why do they do horrible things like this? I know I heard serial killers start out torturing animals and move up from there. Why they don't treat him psychiatrically at least so he never does something so horrible again is just wrong. Our system is broken and needs to be fixed. All life is precious. Live and let live. We need to protect those without a voice...innocent animals at the hands of psychos out there is really frightening. It needs to stop. Anyway, that is where this poem came from...I struggled with the title at first I called it Simply Criminal but I like Moral Compass better. #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021 #Day29

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Lost Cause

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I always say those who think they know it all know nothing at all and those who know they don't are the ones that really know...something like that...not sure if that is exactly how I wanna word it but is what is coming out now...just an observation...I think it's more like the ones who know they don't know are the smart ones and the ones who think they know it all have a lot to learn...that sounds right... for #Day28 #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021

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Fresh Morning Dew

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I recently got into the habit of having some fresh celery juice in the morning along with my organic juice cleanse and coffee with cinnamon and coconut oil and chocolate almond milk then a little later a banana and a few hours later a bowl of organic oatmeal with cinnamon,raisins,coconut oil,chia seeds and sometimes unsweetened cinnamon appleasauce...anyway that celery juice reminds me of the morning dew and it is so refreshing to drink. I love it and it is really healthy for you. It's good for lots of things and really feels like drinking in the fresh morning dew...anyway that is what inspired today's poem... #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021 #Day27

Strange World

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The Writer's Digest poetry prompt for today was to write a poem from a title blank I chose Strange World mostly because my sister told me about a show yesterday on Netflix called The Circle that is very strange. It is reality TV that I usually do not watch but it's a game. It makes you wonder about how much of this stuff really happens online hence Strange inspired by something I was watching yesterday and the title prompt... #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #April2021 #PoemADay #Day26

Reverse Psychology

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A memory popped into my head this morning about when I learned about reverse psychology and decided to try it and see how it worked. My mom had grounded me for something stupid I don't remember why but usually I would just stay in my room and pout about it. I decided to try reverse psychology so I started following my mom around. I was like Hi mom,what are we doing? I'm grounded so I am gonna hang around with you. I was right up on her every move...within a few minutes she was like Get outta here! I was like but I can't I'm grounded, remember? She was like not anymore. Get out of here! So my first try with reverse psychology worked like a charm...Ha Ha! Decided to write a poem about Reverse Psychology... #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021 #Day25


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was done using a writing prompt for a Writer's Cramp contest entry on The prompt was to write a poem about a swimming pool filled with something other than water...for some reason jello popped into my head to make this weird poem...enjoy... #NaPoMo, #NationalPoetryMonth,  #PoemADay, #April2021, #Day24

The Rebel in Me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I really like those Writers Cramp contest prompts on is the second day I checked their prompt and the second time a poem came to me so it is good inspiration while doing a poem a day for National Poetry Month. They just have a contest there and yesterday  I am sure I did not enter correctly but today pretty sure I did but I won't remember how to do it tomorrow...they have such a weird complicated system that will take awhile to figure out and get used to I guess...maybe I will just use it for the prompts and heck with their contest this one is done a day early again #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021 #Day23

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