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I have unfortunately suffered quite a few side effects from prescription meds which caused me to be a lot more cautious and not just blindly follow doctor's orders who never even think about side effects even when you let them know you have them that is the last thing they are concerned now I search for natural remedies without side effects. The more I learn about alternative ways to improve health the more I want to share it with others so they don't suffer the same fate. Sometimes people just can't benefit from your pain because they refuse to listen. I guess they just have to learn the hard way like I did but it won't stop me from trying to help someone out there that might actually listen and take my advice. There are so many of us that have things happen to us and try to share all the knowledge we have about it to help others not suffer the same fate and mostly just get criticized for trying to help. It is better to share knowledge than to keep it to ourselves. If it even helps just one other person that is great...if not at least we tried...better to try than be silent.

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