
Im scared, I'm scared history will repeat itself.
Do you know what it fells like to be completely alone? I do

My worst fear is coming true.
I have no-one... No-one to talk to, no-one to lean on...all alone.

Hated by most, liked by few.
That's me the shy, quiet girl.

To the world she seems fine, but inside...
It's a struggle everyday to carry on.

Depression, "been there once never wanna go back".
Easier said than done.

I'm alone, all alone.
Millions around me but still... Alone

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Ive had a rough few years, suffered depression and anxiety. Last year I lost my friends because I'm soo quiet and not so outgoing, I though this year was different a fresh start with new friends, better friends. But I was wrong this past week my friends basically told me that they hated me and now I have no one. It's hard being a country kid, there's not that many people around and now on Monday morning at school I'll be the girl with no friends, no life.

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drangel's picture

Loneliness is a feeling

If you are alone, the feeling is all-pervasive. You may be in a crowd yet you feel it is so lonely amidst all people around you. I appreciate your work!

Dr S T Wali
Pediatrician/Pediatric HIV Specialist
New Delhi-110001

tahlia_jayde's picture

Thanks. I just write what I'm

Thanks. I just write what I'm feeling