

Though, he was working at the livery,

he would always be a cowboy at heart.

He longed to once again own a horse of
his own.

And his mind was totally blown

the day a young man named Bart

brought two horses into the livery.


“I'll be in town for a month or so

and I'll make you a deal.

I'm a gambler by trade, and only need

one horse, but I won this steed

he's a fine horse, but I don't feel

he's right for my need, you know?”


“I'll trade him to you in exchange

for taking care of the mare

while I'm in town. Our friend

quickly agreed, but then

to wth his boss, trying to be fair

to pay the gamblers bill himself, did


Thus, he did acquire a spirited horse

who turned out to be the fastest animal
in town.

Oh, how he prized that stallion.

He named the animal “Scallion.”

He was happy to have found

a way to buy his own horse.


That night, when he knelt to pray

he Thanked God for blessing him.

He knew that this deal could only

have come from God, you see.

He did not know of the upcoming need
young Jim

would have, or in meeting it, the part
the horse would play.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The Cowboy and The Parson is the story of two men of faith in the American Old West told in a series of poems. THE STALLION is Chapter 7 of this story.


You may watch/hear me read this one at:

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