Sweet Surrender


Someday, sweet surrender

You'll have me by your means

Will you take me softly?

Will you make me scream?

Someday, sweet surrender

Your laugh will be the last

Upon my deafening ears, linger

I'm falling to your grasp

Someday, sweet surrender

My memories will surface, tenfold

Hushing my mind to silence

A lonely descent into the cold

Someday, sweet surrender

The fireflies will fly, high

Above, below, around me

Ashes dance upon the sky

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not_an_addict's picture


gorgeous deep and sensual poem, loved this. 

please read my poems, and enjoy the real-life drama that is my life!

truthintragedies's picture

Thank you so much. <3

Thank you so much. <3

**if it's an eye for an eye, then we'll all go blind.**