The Admonition

Over & over, a light in my conscience WARNS me:

ECSTACY maybe, but excess PHYSICAL display may burn out your light!

"S"AP flows up-tree in Spring, & goes back down in Winte"R";

"U"nless Nature  stops  FOLLOWING  rules, it'll always b"E".

"G"uard your sentime"N"ts; Love is REPLETE in devotio"N".

"A"TTACK this urg"E" at its source! While it may irritat"E",

"R"ecognizing    fau"X"  pearls or real is easy for me no"W"!

  (Is "T"his  how  it's  done?)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Notice that "faux pas" is divided, & "pas" is spelled backwards, as "sap".  Also, initial letters in lines 3 thru 7 spell "SUGAR".  Last letters in those lines spell "RENEW".
In the last 4 lines, the Capitalized letters in the middle of nowhere, "N","E","X", & "T" spell "NEXT".  

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Kathy Nguyen's picture

This is soooo creative!! I like this very much! And I couldn't agree more with Jessica! Words spelling backwords, forwards, etc. etc. Mmm. Come to think of it, that's an inspiration for me. I should try this! One of my reasons why I love writing! There's so much you can do with it! *smiles*

onelilartist's picture

I have never met a cockier, more arrogant poet for sure. You think to best us in the game, but you are in for a fight. Putting words backwards and forwards and up and down the sides. Pretty proud of yourself, huh? Well, just you go look at what I did with my ten words and title. I am a story-teller extrodinaire. LOL You take the cake. You know that, don't you? I love making a poem from someone else's words! Your next words will be emailed shortly. I want to think of some REALLLLLLL hard ones. LOL