

I've lived a pretty

sheltered life so far.


So I have gotten used

to not going out,

or going places with friends.



So now, I'm in a dilema...


I don't know how

to get out there,

to be outgoing,

and get noticed.



I don't know where

all the hot spots are.


I don't know how to ask

my mother to let me go out.



I don't know how to dance.

I don't know how to dress sexy.

I don't know how to flirt real well.


I don't fit in when I go out.



I want to have a boyfriend,

I want to be loved.


I want someone to want me.

I want someone to know.



Oh, I want someone to know,

the feelings that are trapped inside of me,

trying to get out.



I don't know how to let go,

to have fun!


Nor, where to go to

have fun!



I've lead a pretty

sheltered life so far,


but I want to break out of that shell,

get out from under that shelter!


Become more outgoing!

Have Fun!


I've lead a sheltered life,

but now I want to be free!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not done quite yet!


I have truly lead a pretty sheltered life, and when i'm in a big group of people, I never know what to do. I want to be able to go out and about... to drink, party, and get a boyfriend! I want to learn how to dance sexy, to dance!, to be attractive...


None of these things are stuff that I was ever able to learn. I want to learn them, as I'm now a senior in high school, and next year i'll be in college! I spend most of my time studying... but I need to know how to get out there, to be able to let myself go, to learn how to have fun in parties or whatever!! Please help me!!


Love any comments!

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