No Telemarketers No Junk Mailers


Our office is registered with Direct Mail Marketing to receive no junk mail. The replacement postperson jammed so much junk mail into the box that there was no room for the valuable manila envelope which was left for all to see on the porch...
It should be as easy to register a 'do not send' as a 'do not call', but the Trump headed USPS continues not allowing 'no junk mail' to be registered at USPS, since
income is generated by the deforesting advertising industry.

People are encouraged to deforest. Commercial mailers may send postcards for 5 cents a piece.

Certain types of junk mail may be stopped by calling, but why is the FTC encouraging sending ones social security # to private firms.

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End The Five Cent Post Card

If post cards (card stock advertising - I get tons of it daily) were 45 cents - a lot of that would be curbed. Ending special rates on bulk mailings also would help the trees. - slc