Saiom Shriver

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Akron Ohio

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Jason Minton of PostPoems never a kindness postpones.
I first became aware of this wonderful site and its tolerant kind and competent owner in 2001 and started then writing poems which are at

I have at times published articles anonymously or under a pen name such as sb11 or O Anna Niemus. All of the articles and poems
here were written by me. Thank you for your eyelight.

It is almost inconceivable that someone like myself could eat animal and fish flesh for 25 years before really thinking about it is as the cadaver of a murdered mammal, bird or fish. I was not raised on a farm and so never came in contact with the truly brutal violence of slaughterhouses and fishing asphyxiation.

The picture is from the S China Morning Post

Website(s) or Email (When Yahoo was sold all Yahoo groups were eliminated)

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Richard Wilbur awakened my love of poetry with his poem Two Voices in a Meadow, one stanza of which is of a milkweed:
'What power had I before I learned to yield.
Shatter me, Great Wind. I shall possess the field'.

It is comforting to know that wind cannot shatter a milkweed until it is ripe and wants to be set free.


Member for
11 years 28 weeks