2 Poems: River Of Slivers, Short Tale

A Fellow Creature




Who will mourn them
.. each individual

.. by the millions
they make
a pouring river
of silver slivers
.. as they stream
into the shiphold

to their suffocation

before they stream
into the bellyhold


Living shrimp in a bucket
They looked up at me
with their penetrating black
sweet eyes on stalks.



This is a short tale
which entails
a wee woman
from Wales
who removed
shrimp entrails.
She left behind trails
of their sweet fanned tails
but their bodies she
upchucked in pails.

-Saiom Shriver-

It is sad that according to several studies, the occupation of fisherman has the most fatalities.

I know I've eaten fishes in many lives and for a while in this one...

A friend stopped eating lobsters when he saw one on the Atlantic shore pulled up with
toilet paper in his claws. Shellfish are coprophagous ... waste eaters... They cause countless cases of food poisoning, fatalities from anaphylactic shock... there are still restaurants which boil lobsters alive.
They're full of arsenic, chromium, pcb's, uric acid, worms, ecoli (colon bacteria). The countries
with the most fish consumption have the highest rates of stomach cancer (the coastal
countries of Japan, Korea, Peru, etc.)


God caused me to type
Sardi's instead of
sardines at first


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