Dedication To You

Dear Reader, Re the poems so far on

God whom you might call Abba, Father, YHWH, Allah, Great Spirit,

Shiva, Higher Power, Divine Mother, Kwon Yin.. Your Heart Indweller has supplied the brain, the thoughts, the pen, the paper,

the environment of all who write poems.

We have attempted to walk on water and have failed. These poems are

coming to you from the bottom of the pond.

These poems are dedicated to The Lord Of All Trees who is God.

and all God's creatures, but especially to you, in gratitude that you

ignite them to life with your eyelight.

The mind is a belltower into which bird thoughts fly from other places.

The mind does not own the thoughts.. is not the source for the thoughts.

Nor does the lion's mouth of stone in the fountain

originate the water which flows through his mouth.

Negative thoughts are wingless birds.. negative thoughts are the biochemistry

of sticking in the brain instead of flying. May these birds be well enough

to fly.

Your comments and criticism are welcomed at the email

Since we believe poems are not as important as trees, please if any

appeal to you, download on a. the backside of paper b. cotton c. rice

d. or 100% recycled. May God quickly fulfill or melt away your heart's


The following is about my teacher, Sai Baba.

Thousands of books have

been written about him by a

Jewish psychiatrist Sam Sandweiss Russian

yoga teacher Indra Devi

African Christian Victor Kanu

Muslim professor Dr Bashiruddin

oral surgeon Fanibunda

Catholic priest Mario Mazzoleni

British animal rights activist

Peggy Mason Australian head

of the British Nuremberg trials

press section Howard Murphet

Hollywood screenwriter Arnold


etc etc. Baba takes

the hard cases.. those

who determine their own paths.

I am in my 60's. The birthdate

is of my spiritual birth. Let me

tell the owners of this website

that I have no credit card

but would be glad to contribute

if they drop an envelope

to the address

View saiom's Full Portfolio
TREXPATTON's picture

Beloved Reader. I am sorry that the "Warriors" piece has taken so long to appear. I have had serious heart problems. But now I have as many stents as V.Pres. Cheney, and my blood is flowing nicely. Would that the V.Pres. had as warm blood as I have. If you remember me, you will note a new address. But the same old Post address is also working. Ciao.

"Poe" I'm not, nor "Rich" am I,
but I'll be famous, b'ye and b'ye !

poetvg's picture

good work
on this one

wemni's picture

'we have attempted..........bottom of the pond.' incredibly beautiful words.

Deborah Russell's picture

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and blessings on Postpoems.