Windwed Weed


The windwed weed

watched the speed

with which the milkweed seeds

soared away

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J-C4113d's picture

My experience, which seems

My experience, which seems ancient now, was like Allets':  I broke the pods open and scattered the seeds. During my first grade year, our class was conducted in the basement of one of the oldest buildings on the high school campus, while the new elementary school was being built.  Our playground was a grassy slope, with a weedpatch on its far end.  At six years old, I was amazed to "discover" that the same milkweeds grew on my paternal grandparents' rural property---and I believed that the sets of the same species were somehow closely related, as my grandparents and I were closely related.  And, during recesses on classdays, and in the afternoons at home (we were on half days, then), those playground milkweeds always put me in mind of the rather magical beauty I always found, regardless of the weather, at my grandparents' place.  Thank you for reminding me of the memory.


lyrycsyntyme's picture

This is a truly touching and

This is a truly touching and cherishable memory that displays the kind of magic that is absolutely worth believing in - that of youthful innocence. Might I request of you the shaping of it into a poem, if you're so inspired?


I second the notion of kudos both to Saiom and Allets for inspiring you to recall and share such a story. The kind of things that make life a wonder.

allets's picture

Milkweed Pods

During my great childhood, I tore thenm apart aand blew the seeds away. Odd sense of fun.


Lady A



lyrycsyntyme's picture

I will be having my students

I will be having my students attempt to read this out without getting their tongue tied, if that's alright : )

J-C4113d's picture

I wish I could have studied

I wish I could have studied with such a poet when I was a student.  The one published poet with whom I studied was, in my experience, somewhat questionable . . . alas!


lyrycsyntyme's picture

That is tremendously

That is tremendously flattering, thank you. The honor would certainly come from this direction.


I have one student who is extremely promising as a poet. His parents, while well-meaning, don't really see the value in him taking that route (it's a cultural issue). I'm trying to encourage it by letting them know that there can be, in essence, multiple lanes on a person's highway. Here's hoping. He's way ahead of the curve for his age, and quite exceptional.