The Sweet Ending

My Dearest Darkness, my shadow against the moon,

Free me from the chains that bind me to chaos,

To the neverending struggle that humanity calls Life.

Let my feel your cold lips upon my fevered brow.

Your lips seduce, a magical echo of a world long ago destroyed.

Speak to me, Shadow, the secrets of the wind

In a thousand tongues long returned to Mother.

Shade, you taste like the sweetness of spring

And your flesh feels like winter's first frost.

Pain laces through old bones, flesh grown weary with the sounds of time.

Deliver me, dear one.

Take from me the shattered memories, names and faces long faded,

Frayed at the edges. Only weathered tomb-stones remain.

My sweet one, my tortured soul, how you writhe in agony.

Crystal tears, delicate as snowflakes, fall as you mourn the life you cherished.

My heart stops, as yours shatters.

At long last... silence.

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  This is beyond measures of


This is beyond measures of sweet, mosaic, and artistic delicacy. The words blossom into visions of an epic, mind-twirling adventure. This is a tapestry of tantalizing ability. I enjoyed it, and selfishly add – I want more.


“Speak to me, Shadow, the secrets of the wind

In a thousand tongues long returned to Mother.

Shade, you taste like the sweetness of spring

And your flesh feels like winter's first frost.

Pain laces through old bones, flesh grown weary with the sounds of time.

Deliver me, dear one.”


Need one say more? Beautifully written.