Life: One Piece at a Time

I think of my life as a gift.

Each day is a blessing.

How can I make this day the best that it can be?

What will happen so that I remember this day over others?

Why will today be a good day?

In answering these questions, my days become astonishingly better.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I feel that too many people rush through their lives.  Their goal is simply to get through the current day.

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poetvg's picture


Ian Stalter's picture

Nice. Positive. Should be on a motivation poster

Liberty Bell's picture

I really like this poem, it's the first i've read and from what it's like the others should be just as good, keep it up
Liby :)

singmoriah's picture

Nick you are absolutely right that people should just live life through the current day. I know most of us do not do that including myself, but I do try. If we can just concentrate on making this day good instead of wondering than our life could be better. This poem has really inspired me and it is well written too!