Hypocritical Moths

Circumstances and events visit me like moths to a warm light turned on and off. One, in particular, visits me often. The one that led me to the airport upon your return from Minnesota. It was by no means a busy night. It was a weekday and people meandered about, arriving and departing as usual.  I checked the arrival times and you were due to return 15 minutes ago. I looked up the stairs, that lead down from arriving flights every 2 minutes, still no sign. I checked my phone as if a call had somehow slipped by with no alert...nothing. Finally, you were there. Gliding with each step, slowly down to me...smiling. Scenes of us played in the glare of your glasses. I didn't ask what delayed you, as I didn't care. We held each other, like moths to a luscious light, and fluttered about the baggage claim, letting your baggage circle twice. You kissed and held me, as if we knew that cruel hand was due to flip the switch any moment. That light has since been shut off and dismantled. Both of us flutter to false flames now, hypocritical and jaded. However; that light,is the one that all others will be judged against.

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Karyn Indursky's picture

I felt like I was curled up on a couch hanging on your every word of this tale. The visions were vividly playing in my mind with the sounds of the moths in my ears. With every passing line I was swallowed whole until you spit me out at the end. It was a wonderful journey.

allets's picture

Lost on Last Line

If you ever return to PP to see this, I got lost on the last line, you are usually less vague - still there is pause for thought here as is - Lady A