black print on white background

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saiom's picture
Joined: 2001/09/14

First thank you to Jason and the staff for unconditional support
for many years... including for those of us with limited financial means.

I was wondering on my particular site of poems... if there is
anyone to go to a black print on white background..

Mine has a charcoal grey and black pattern which is more difficult
to read.

Thank you again




allets's picture
Joined: 2012/08/19
I Went To Bolding Using Black On The Color Palate

I had the problem too - words grayed out. I went from the default to 14pt type - that helped loads. Now, I revise and get double spacing when I save. I no longer have the graying out problem. Backspacin to bring a line up to the line above and often the font changes. I retype a lot of lines in the font I want. It may have been because the poem was copied in from my wordprocessing files. Most likely.  - slc