She Loves Austin

~  She loves Austin~

I do understand, as you know,

what it is like to be lonely

for a child you cannot reach.

There may be many, many reasons

for that un-access, but, no matter,

such separation is still painful.

And especially for an old friend.

In many cases, there is hope;

in some cases, there is none.

But we have these gifts lent by God

in His wisdom.  Young ones

with so much life ahead of them.

And older, weaker ones, still for us

to love to the maximum.

There are limits to life, but not to love.

God arranges for certain hearts to meet

for certain times,

for uncertain times.

Our loved-ones seem like angels,

sent at perfect times: God's times.

As though all angels had to serve God

for a period of Time on earth

by becomimg what humans call

"Father", Mother", "Spouse", "Son',  Friend".

to learn the deepest compassion,

& the meaning of Life, Love, and Loss.

Memory is sometimes God's sweeest gift.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sometimes a special day goes by un-noticed;  but NOT by me, it won't.

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Gee, that was nice and thoughtful, Teddy.
