The Winter Season

Season Poems

As I hurry to get out of the cold,
my joints feel stiff, like I'm old.
There is a constant chill in the air,
That seems to get itself everywhere.
Everyone has to bundle up,
and maybe get hot chocolate in a cup.
The trees look naked without leaves,
leaves that must have been taken by thieves!
The heaters get turned on,
pushing the cold outside where it belongs.
A common scent that I smell,
is burning leaves, gathered from where they fell.
The roads tend to get icy,
which encourages cars to spin out, not very nicely.
The cold causes people to scooch together,
and get to rediscover why they like each other.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A second poem to the poem I put in called "The Autumn Season". I'm thinking of making a series out of them, the spring, and summer season are the next ones I'm working on. What do you think?

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MatthewWayne's picture

A beautiful read moriah!

A beautiful read moriah! don't stop writting. :)

"I am my own sort of strange, a supernova of madness and brillance. Forced to share the same space and time. Sane enough to not be seen, yet not crazy enough to be heard." -- Matthew Wayne

thisisme789's picture

aww shucks! Thanks dude!

aww shucks! Thanks dude!


Adam아담's picture

Moriah keep writing these

Moriah keep writing these sorts of poems - it is your niche ;)


thisisme789's picture

Thanks! *blushes* you rock!

Thanks! *blushes* you rock!
