
The sky is dark,

but clear as can be.

I look into your eyes,

and do you know what I see?

I see love in your eyes,

do you see that in mine?

Because its been there forever,

it's there all the time.

My love for you,

I hold in my heart.

I'll have it forever,

even if we part.

But if my feelings are true,

you have feelings just as I.

We will be together forever,

because love never dies.

So us parting,

I think of not.

For our love is true,

as true as a knot.

A knot impossible to undo,

a knot so tight with love.

Which only few receive,

as a miracle from above.

As your brown eyes stare into mine,

our love becomes a bliss.

As we seal our souls together,

with one loving kiss.

Fireworks shoot high,

into the starry sky.

And that moment we know we're forever,

for true love will never die.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes.

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