RED TAPE  


                 The scalpel pierces sterile skin
                 Surgeons mend the flaws within
                 Blood drips on the O.R. floor
                 Follow it now as it runs out the door


                 Into the street where children are playing
                 A mother cradles her dead child, while praying
                 Drugs and hatred everywhere
                 Wounds the surgeon cannot repair


                 The plight of people in far away lands
                 Stir feelings within ... we can't understand
                 Or is it we won't let ourselves think
                 Of blood in the streets ... is there a link


                 To the pain in the world ... the horror of rape
                 Tied up in knots with all that red tape






Author's Notes/Comments: 

the red tape refers to loopholes in the laws governing the violence in our streets where perpetrators are set free to do it again and those who can do something about it ... just don't ... red tape

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Nice writing, each line so

Nice writing, each line so full they could be the start of an entire poem - so much here, like a newscast, a summary ~A~