Oblivious of the inferno-like sun's blaze,

The ocean drifts in motion

Banishing the angry wind,

Painting soft rays.

It gleams with wind tossed beauty

Cleansing the hot sand.

In the distance silky clouds hide

The sea-wet midst of the approaching fog.

Vast waves foam on the beach

Where sea gulls gracefully light.

Here thoughts of love end the distorted images.

We sit and meditate on the seas of reflection.

It fills the residue of our mind

Soaking the body softy.

Our eyes see the breast of the moon

As our minds welcome the starry elegance.

                 Sarah Claudette Bratcher

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poetvg's picture


Melvin Lee II's picture

A starkly beautiful and ethereal painting of the ocean, Sarah... I can almost see the scenery being awash by the words of your muse. i particularly like the lines : Soaking the body softy. Our eyes see the breast of the moon As our minds welcome the starry elegance.' A wonderful way to end this portrayal, tis tribute. Smilesz. Thanxs for sharing this Ocean...