
Secular Poetry

Life is tough

When you're a teen.

Try to make the best of it

And let your spirit free.

Arrogance, self-consciousness

Overcome your expanding mind.

Realize that you are who you are

And let your spirit fly.

Young love and sad losses

Will put a strain on your heart.

Learn to live with yourself

And let your spirit soar.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

~written 2/2/00

~This is the first poem I ever wrote; I wrote it to try to console my classmates after the tragic death of one of the senior boys who died of meningitis.

~The title was inspired by the name of the deoderant I used at the time, called Teen Spirit.

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fighter4life's picture

Great poem, I think a lot of people can relate. Interesting name for the poem though to say the least...........lol.