Christian Trump Supporters: Your Religion At Odds With Your Politics


Christian Trump supporters: your religion and your politics are opposed. Jesus told stoners to put down their stones. Trump nominated 2 executioners. Jesus told Peter to put down his sword. Trump is bombing children. Jesus said to feed the hungry. Trump has cut off food relief

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2018 Federal Budget

Needs to be rewritten with the fact that the federal government can no longer support the nation with monetary subsidies. Welfare state takes on the new definition when you calculate in how much we pay farmers annually for all kinds of reasons except crop failure. Forced belt tightening is about to transpire hugely. Note federal deficit 779 billion. It was 3 trillion during WWII. I read about food stamps this morning. Most households that receive food debit cards are white families. Trump got it wrong again. He hurt his own people trying to aim at a few black women and indigent people of color. Not this year, but come 2020, the pinch will be felt bigtime across the nation as the poor and the unemployed start  hitting up their working and wealthier relatives for food money. Hmmmmm? :D