The Crucifixion Of Kennedy Men


They had murdered first Ted's brother Jack who had announced to his inner circle that after his reelection he would end the war in Vietnam, abolish the assassination and black ops divisions of the CIA, and abolish the Federal Reserve to name a few. He had fired Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA. Next assassinated was his brother Robert for whom J Edgar Hoover

had a special hatred, as did Lyndon Johnson who saw him as a

barrier to Johnson's presidential ambition. They murdered his nephew JFK Jr. in a plane crash. Caroline was told that her brother's pilot mysteriously called off the day before the flight. They tried to kill Ted. The plane crash broke his back and killed 2 other men in the plane. He was hospitalized for months, and came back, still a threat to the cabal controlling the Republican Party.

John Dean had said as recorded on the Nixon tapes "Kennedy doesn't know what a bear trap is waiting for him in Chappaquiddick. Howard (E Howard Hunt) is arranging things." (A tampering with the brakes  and maybe other things in the car and perhaps a drugging of a woman at the party were some of aspects of the sinister plot.) After all the suffering, Ted resolved not to endanger his or his siblings' families any further. Aristotle Onassis' investigation let them know who had arranged the JfK murder but they were warned that it were pursued, there would be fatal 'accidents'. 

Ted decided to become the most effective legislator he could, and he was a magnificent senator. After many years on Capitol Hill, suffering from a brain tumor did not stop Ted Kennedy from giving his 'last

full measure of devotion" in campaigning for Barack Obama.

Now a different group, a coalition of big pharma, NIH vivisectors,

CDC corrupt vaccine pushers, and those with a secret agenda to

amass ever more government power, having deliberately weaponized

benign coronavirus samples though Obama had outlawed such a practice, are constantly attacking Robert F Kennedy Jr., who spent 30 years building a worldwide network of riverkeepers, volunteers who each adopted a river nearby as they fought pollution.

He campaigned against Smithfield pig slaughter operations with their

manure lagoons and causation of a red tide of pfiesteria in the Chesapeake. He spoke in Poland about Smithfield there. (Now the world's biggest pig killing company is owned by China.)

RFK is a man whose impeccable and voluminous

research, with copious annotations, has won him over 500 lawsuits

against General Electric, Monsanto Bayer, the Navy, HHS, and countless other polluters and violaters of individual liberty.

In 2017, Donald Trump made RFK Jr chair of a commission to review vaccine safety. He had won a lawsuit against HHS after proving that no monitoring of vaccine safety had been conducted for over 32 yrs. Pfizer got wind of the new commission,  gave Trump 1 million dollars
and vaccine safety was cancelled.

Kennedy's  tireless campaigning got mercury removed from
pediatric vaccines. Finally but not til 2003 did the CDC act. Even now mercury (thimerosal) is in flu shots. As with his lawsuits, his

website is beautifully researched.  He was pulled against his will

into vaccine issues. A woman showed up on his doorstep with a box full of files on mercury in vaccines saying she would not leave until

he read the files. She said he'd spent 3 decades on getting mercury out of the rivers, that he should work on getting it out of vaccines

injected into children.

As he continues to work exposing vaccines

along with other warriors for truth who are mentioned in the attacks were

accelerating. Mark Zuckerberg, 1 of perhaps 4 centibillionaires, had him removed from Instagram at the same time that Zuckerberg is

removing nearly all Facebook posts which speak of individuals'

lethal side effects.  Reuters, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CSpan, American search engines are censoring vaccine truth.

Robert F Kennedy Jr speaks with difficulty. He has spasmodic

dysphonia. God heal every cell in him and protect him. God bless

all beings.



Mohammed Mossadegh was democratically elected as leader
of Iran. Because he nationalized the oil of iran which
was controlled by the Anglo Iranian Oil, The Dulles brothers,
John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, Secretary of State
and of the CIA.. had arranged the coup.
Because of them, 1 million indonesians died.



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