

for all those who have loved and not had,

for all those who have not loved but wanted to,

for all those who need to loveand cannot,

I feel your pain.

for that pain will eat you alive as it is me,

a pain that makes you do somethings that you do not want to do,

no matter how hard you try you cannot over come it

until you love some....truely.

for true love is the only solution, not just love

like the love of a family or friend,

but of one who completes you,

one who will love you even after you are gone,

love eternal.

yes God loves you and so do your family and friends,

but sometimes that is not enough,

I feel as if I will net die of a heartbreak,

but for haveing to much love and not enough people,

to share it with.

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Here on this pome I must differ with you.............

nobody can complete a person but God. There is no one person who can be everything to you that you need for all your life. We are all fallible needy creatures they can fulfill some aspects of you but they won't fulfill you entirely all on their own. It is a myth. When Tom Cruise says to Renee Zelwegger in Jerry McGuire you complete me that is very misleading and makes others believe oh I just have yet to find that one person who will complete me. A lover can be a lot of things to their lover but they can't be everything. It is just not humanly possible. God is the only one who can give you everything you need and sure he will send individuals your way who can give you many things you need but not everything. Those voids we discover in ourselves help us to become who we are meant to be. Pain is a tool and it can be a very effective tool. Seek someone who can best help you in finding the path you are meant to be on and anything above that is just icing on the cake. Oh and of course keep writing at all costs. Your higher self comes through in poetry. That is your one true ally. Like that old saying goes To Thy Own Self Be True. If you have anyone in your life claiming to be afriend or a loved one and all they do is make you sad or make you feel bad then distance yourself from the source of your grief. Life is too short to be with people who make us feel awful or worse than what we should. Like that old song goes you want someone who will build you up buttercup not let you down. Sincerely, Melissa Lundeen.

P.Sl I'm a builder not a destroyer.............. lol