I've paid for those beatings I gave you

People reap what they sew for the things they do.

I've reaped what I sewed for what I did to you.

Every time I hit you, it brought you to tears.

I've paid for those beatings I gave you over the years.

When I had a stroke a few months ago, it paralyzed me for life.

I've been a horrible husband and I don't deserve to have you for a wife.

You are amazing because you've decided to stay and take care of me.

You've made your decision but most people do not agree.

I feel remorse because of what I've done before.

I don't deserve your kindness, you should walk out the door.

While I was an evil monster, you still stuck to your vows.

I'm going to do my damnedest to make it up to you somehow.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a fictional poem

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A fictional poem that writes

A fictional poem that writes a story that I've sat infront and heard spoken of in reality. How ever you imagined it, none the less it speaks to the 'real'. Love is mighty hard to understand, and whether it is love coupled with insecurity and inability to leave, somehow I find a beauty in remorse and forgiveness, which has become an almost unforgivable pair in much of the culture of our society.