The Great Wake


A light strobe through a tunnel,


And grows wide as newborn eyes,


I'm struck in its wake,


Held captive in its diamond hands,


It laughs in radiative dance,


And bathes in me,






Whistles hard the old steam train,


And clunks clambering down ancient tracks,




A dilating moment,


From death I've come,




Thump, kurthump, kurthump,


I breath,


And cringe,


Kurthump, kurthump,


And gasp and grab,






And flitter did the blue cuckoo beside my bed,




"Fortuitous it is? Is it not? Lest you be dead fit stiff in rot?"




An annoyance in the least...




"A querry my friend, if ye will listen. Death's shadow hath cast you bare and brimstone. Though silly to sight and kurthumping your way, from death to life a miraculous day! What giveth you grit? What nails to catch, for time did it tock and life did you grasp! A secret do share, my nest be it cold, SueKoo is my name, great wake be told?"




No secret,


No word,


Nor tone or hum,


What leaves the lips be fickle and glum,




But feeling my feathered friend,


Felt just in the right way?


Winks life into motion,


Not miraculous days,




A picture did grow,


Her beauty her mind,


Her slights so subtle,


So perfect,






I wept for her heart,


Be closer to mine,


And life took me whole,


Miraculous lies,




"Feel you say? An atrocious claim...No secret revealed, no story to praise...Cuckoo I say! Miraculous day! Her beauty that great? Her subtle ways? Love is to blame, but need you not say? For words be it fickle so have it your way! I bid you good day!"




And flutter did the blue cukoo beside my bed.


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