I Love Internet Access

I love internet access...

there's so much out there

ready to share

so many new friends to meet

somewhere out there

all over the world

common interests

common goals

the support network just flows

gotta love it...it just rules

opens up doors and offers tools

It's amazing what technology can do

to link me to you

glad we met

ya, you bet

learning lots, expanding my mind

it is never a waste of my time

don't think I could live without it anymore

it opens up doors

too cool for words to express my happiness

having it available 24/7

I believe I am in heaven

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I love internet access.

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sue mceachern's picture

great piece. i to love the internet theres so much to do and find on here. and it beats the telephone bill. gotta love technology

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

net access is great, a great learning tool and way to meet people but don't forget the human factor outside the machine

poetvg's picture
