
we called the day
a misbegotten thought
weighted down
as it was
by rusted out memories
and the jagged edges
of things we
no longer forgot
we were once
for each other
catapults from
medieval times
those thatched roofs
you might even say
on the huts that dot
the sunny Mediterranean
sky line
you were a sandy beach
to my sleepy dock
two lonely ideas of
trying to avoid
the tourist traps of time
only to become clearing houses
for misplaced items
left behind
by those very same tourists
we once so gloriously shunned
until off to far better sights
they would choose to meander
and not linger in our backyard
vying for some lovely little piece
of whatever it was they believed we had
never knowing
'Merrily, Merrily'
it was all but a dream.................
(Jan. 25, 2011 704pm)


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I enjoyed the complex metaphors that revealed themselves to me in this piece.

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lyrycsyntyme's picture

This is really fantastic, and

This is really fantastic, and has a form that would not be revealed by first glance, but only by reading : ) I enjoyed your complex metaphors, too ; )

palewingedpoetess's picture


I enjoyed writing them. My apologies for taking so long to recognize your critique.  Better late than never always worked for me.  Sincerest thanks again, M.