"Well, You Know What I Think?" ~


Party people, hardly people, someone tell me, are we people?

I'm retarded, our paths parted, someone tell me where this started.

Now you're seein, how I'm bein, all this crap that you got me in.

Hey, everyone, this could be fun, press record and watch the re-run.

Down the pipe line, not the right time, but oh hell, just chill, cuz I'm fine.

This is frightning, all the lightning, what the heck, why'd you just bite me?

Take your shirt off, who pissed burt off? Someone help me wipe the dirt off.

    -Lo Ruhamah

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Spud3001: I forget to tell you that daniel is over
Spud3001: that'll go a long way in pushing somebody over the edge

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Lynn Wilson's picture

i bet it felt good to write that one... great flow!!