
Pre-2006 Poems

Sometimes your mind wanders...


Out in the cool night breeze,

Washes over your face,

A sweet embrace.

Timeless escape,

Staring in the dark night sky,

Sprinkled with the stars.

The mind can relax,

Staring out on the great expanse.

The oceans waves,

Crash against the sandy shore.

The moon,

Glittering in the water.

Reflections of the heavens,

Reflections of the gods,

Reflections of life.

Looking out and over your life.

The mistakes,

The pain,

The stakes in the heart.

The love.



Still slipping through my fingers.

Almost lost,

Almost gone,

Hanging by a thread.

Hanging by a hope.

Waking each morning,

Hoping he's still there.

Hoping he's alive.

Hoping you didn't fuck it up again.

Wishing you never make an unnamed mistake,

Didn't even know it was wrong,

Everything crashes down.

Crashes into the shore.

Drips on the floor.

The red sea of the floor,

Watch it slowly make it down the drain,

Feel your brain drip away.

Feel the pain disappear.

Feel it all disappear.

Fading in and out of life.

Sometimes it’s the best feeling of all.


Just want it to be the same,

But his eyes betray his lies.

Something’s under his skin.


Won't tell you,

Won't explain.

Won't love.

The pain that destroyed the foundation of my escape,

The silence.

My cries,

His eyes.

Felt my heart ripping apart,

Thought the dagger found the spot.

Figured I caused it.

My fault as always.

My pain everyday.


So hard to find,

So hard to keep.

Sometimes it finds you,


Love him.

I do.

Trust him?

Believe him?

Hold him?


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