Mi Jefito's Ojos

I watch you mi jefito
I watch as the sparkle fades
from once passion filled eyes...


I glance as your step slows
as you gasp for breath
and you stop to rest...


Fire and passion
once filled your eyes
your steps...


Strong proud Mexican man
you lived hard
you played harder...


I watch you mi jefito
I see your mood soften
the fire and passion not gone...


Pain and straining to breath
stiffness and age
taking their toll...


Your mind not as sharp
your step not as quick
your voice not as strong...


I watch you mi jefito
burning your withered face
into my memory...


What pain and honor
sorrow and joy
this time together...


Jefito y eja
Father and daughter
I watch you mi jefito...


Your eyes growing dimmer
that sparkle slowly fading
and I want to bow my head and cry...


You taught me a valuable lesson
"give flowers to the living"
I am your flower mi jefito...


Each day I bloom for you
every evening I bow for you
and every dawn I weep for you...


Mi jefito's ojos
brown and proud
filled with passion and fire...


I watch you mi jefito
mi jefito's ojos
looking far off...


Turning every so surely
towards the dance of death
the lovers ice cold grip...


I see you mi jefito
I will never forgot
mi jefito's ojos...


Copyrights 4/2011-2016 Chicahuacnecahuatl

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written for my father, (mi jefito) Jesus J. Gonzalez a strong and proud Mexican man. {Rest In Power}

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