Her "Exploration"

I'm trying to get lost in her. 

Till my conscious goes unconscious;

and my thoughts begin declining.


Physically; I'm getting thinner. 

Mentally; I'm facing dementia.


Vividly; I'm exploring every Venture.

Every Turn,

Every Crevice. 

Till; I discover where she's embellished


Or else how could I define to a novice,

Her Relics.

It's clear their minds are undeveloped 


From her womb.

Lay: honey, fruit, & berries

That I wish she spare me

All the wonders of our possibilities 

If only she was aware of me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Winston Slack

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hopelessly-candid's picture

a lot of euphemisms here...

a lot of euphemisms here... its quite intestesting... and soft... you've structured this piece to be a sort of stream of consciousness that then seems to fade to oblivion... like a thought... so like reality fading into nonexistence.... obviously there's a whole other separate theme... but I just really admire the structure... thank you for sharing :)

allets's picture

"...all the wonders

of our possibilities..." such longing and a great end line to wrap it up - very find wordsmithing - will read more of your work. p.s. from your early writes to now, you have come far on PostPoems ~slc~