I Am Legend

we're all insane and if you will give me 5 minutes, i believe i could prove it to you.

**now in order for the artist to paint the picture you must allow me the freedom to choose whatever color i need; i mean this metaphorically and verbally. i will only go by my own life experiences, deductions on the order of the happenings that dealt with me and give to you all that we've ever dreamed.. and it's in our hands now. we cannot see, we cannot taste, we cannot touch it nor will we ever own it: but it is ours.**


for too long we've been a captive audience in the game of Economics: envision yourself a fan in the stands of the best football game(or your favorite interest/hobby) and you have alot of your time invested to have been able to be there so you do not wish it to go against what we desire - and that is to be heard, recognized and followed, in the smallest of amounts Pride is no sin; it's those who would Horde it that should be damned. they take in % and give back in chances. but always 2 options exist, in the least. the system has become more advanced now, growing beyond those who stole the power from another. for he, too, now realizes how weak he is so compensatory methods are needed - tools and numbers, to keep the herd brow-beaten and thankful. those with Power cover their Weakness in Secrecy, Supremacy of Knowledge and Subliminal hypnosis. commercials are only ten to 50 seconds long on average and we see, no, we are Bombarded every day by more than two choices, one always praising to be more to your needs: Competition, Social Darwinism.


Their should only be two choices in our world. Good and Evil. no one can deny what's right and what's wrong. we stopped listening to those people, we allowed them that time to feel like no one understood and they had been wronged. we allowed them time to grieve over a mental loss; we let them sit and fester like neglected dishes. we would rather use up all our dishes and start cleaning them all at once rather than help each one up. it's the longest Trail of Tears i've ever imagined; we're marching Humanity down the Bataan Path on a international level; we're allowing the bullies to not only think they can get away but for those singular people to feel as if no one understands the problem because no one is fixing it.. i cannot do it on my own.

if i needed help and you're right next to me, would you help me? forget money, forget about grudges and religions - forget about society. if you could make a friend, someone you trust and know would return the favor without fear of betrayal.. would you lend me some of your time?

POV Check Two

think of the world as only been one town. there is only one form of all the necessary provisions and all is well, everyone lives and gets what they need. everything is a mom-and-pop type of thing. but then Wal-Mart or a Valero comes into your town, offering similar-services and cut-rates, or more-for-the-bargain and just as good.

this is the one time that we should have worried about mom and dad.. not our children. because of Competition, how will they provide - they signed on with someone who said they could provide. but is it Their fault? no, becuae the Investors who gave them the money to do what they needed were bought-off or re-invested to consolidate their Power.

We damned ourselves the moment we admitted we needed more then eachother; we do not need money. anyone, even me at the mere age of 23, should technically be allowed to run for President and i should be held back just because i dont have the funds for advertsiing or travel or just getting the "word out" to the public -- HELLO, we have the internet now!!

you guys wonder what's wrong with the economy? the world? the Word is spreading faster then the buck. Knowledge is now before our very eyes and we learn more and more every day. we Know we could be wiped out tomorrow.. if we were, would you want some archaeologist to find our remains and be like, "a very war-like race, such advanced technology and dense populations.. it was only a matter of time before the tensions grew and they wiped themselves out" or that we had been divided and refused to co-exist together.

Will that be our Legacy? Will We become this negative Legend?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Joshua Adam Abt-Barnett, 23 from Chester, VA. -- 1 - 30 - 08

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