Writer's Block


"Writer's Block"   10 - 19 - 02

i stare at it

brainstorm, think

but no thoughts

hit the brink

no traffic to

waiting fingers

eyes still fixed

they linger

i feel the thought

thinking fast

trying to catch a

moments flash

they still hold

poised in air

then i fold

give in to despair

no more writing

not this night

i retire to sleep

losing my sight...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

it's a bitch, at work with a cool poem in your head and when you get home... up and left you like a one night stand

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Gotta hate those one-night stand poems...
They'll get you everytime.
I have a few thoughts in my head, even some clever titles...
But now I must write them, and everytime I go to do that, I'll sometimes forget I'm writing.

Clever, though. Love it.