A Broken Vase


A Broken Vase

The crystal vase slips from her hand

and in the slow motion, as it tumbles to the floor

so she thought, "As is my life, as is my heart."

.......and it smashes into a thousand pieces.

Amid the destruction she sweeps the shattered glass...

fragmented, shards that once were so beautiful.

The water (her love) ebbing across the floor.

The white daisys (her life) lie broken and twisted.

Tears of disillusionment and dispondancy fall

joining that of the puddle, spreading wider.

Can this disaster be halted, turned around?

The damage has been done, her heart is broken.

The glass swept up, the water mopped, she wonders...

Can the love that still exists be recovered?

Carefully she picks thru the glass,

collecting  whole blossoms and broken stems.

From the cupboard she gets the pitcher

Old, blue, enameled....tried, true, durable.

With thought, she rearranges the flowers

and places them in the clean water.


Make sure your heart is durable

if you entrust it to others.

Chose your own flowers,

dig your own well.........


In this heart shaped vase of mine,

you are the loving waters

that keep the flowers of my life alive....

.........please handle with care.


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Buren's picture

As Dasiys need water,Life needs Love.It takes one to support the other.Love this writing.A great insight into the mind.Great write Kat Buren :)

Ma Yongbo's picture


slow meditation

thanks for sharing

dhicks01's picture

Absolutely Splendid!!

TREXPATTON's picture

.....should read: "IT" was a collection....etc., not "I" . Oooops. Teddy

"Poe" I'm not, nor "Rich" am I,
but I'll be famous, b'ye and b'ye !

TREXPATTON's picture

Kim, I really like this one. I am caught up in your description, as you tell how it happened to you, both the glass-vase, & the fleshy one of your heart. I got trapped in "...the slow motion...", & stopped, rewound, played, stopped, rewound, etc., many times. Did you know that God has a "vase" in which He keeps your tears? Read Psalm 56:8. And one of the most lovely sights I ever saw was a broken crystal vase, all pieces collected & poured into another vase, then filled with water. I was a collection of diamonds!! That may be how God sees OUR trials, all collected & put in a place where they can be seen as beautiful. Nice job on this one, Kim. Thanks for your sharing. Teddy.

"Poe" I'm not, nor "Rich" am I,
but I'll be famous, b'ye and b'ye !

Ernest Bevans's picture

This is how Our Lord views us
we fall - but he picks us up
and find us a place of new glory!

Great writing - very inspirational!

Melissa Rives's picture

This was really beautiful. It was soulful, sad, vivid, and lovely.