Good Luck Logan


I was watching the news this morning and amidst the Wieners, war and strife

I saw a 2 year old boy named Logan and heard the story of his life.


He has a disease that ends in ‘a’ and hasn’t much time left

He will leave the world a little emptier and his family bereft.


And though death hovered over his story- he won’t escape it- then who can?

At the wedding of his mom and dad- Logan will be the best man.


Mom will carry Logan down the aisle and I’m sure words can’t convey

The pride and jubilance they’ll feel as he gives his Dad away.


To Sean and Christine I wish you well for you I cannot help admiring

As the love I felt through my TV was truly awe inspiring.


Somehow you found joy in your tragedy and you worked hard to revive it.

Perhaps finding happiness in adversity is one way to survive it.


No one knows what tomorrow brings in our realm of time and space

But I’m sure memories of Logan will always bring a smile to your face.

As stories of war and Wieners on the morning news unfurl

I think our time would be better spent on the Logans of this world.


Stories of people, family and their love, like Logan’s dad and mother

Would help us see what’s truly important and connect with one another.


For if we saw each person as members of our family

Just think what a wonderful place this world of ours would be.


How exciting would it be for us to then explore

A world without the scandals, the hatred and the war…


In the meantime, Logan, when the wedding’s over and you have a chance to play

May you listen to Elvis, eat spaghetti and dance the night away.


Speaking for those of us who this wedding will not be attending

Remember, at an open bar it’s polite to tip the man bartending.  :)



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