There is one main reason to have no more wars…one reason no more soldiers…no more buildings…no more countries should ever fall…

That reason lies in the eyes and the hearts of the youngest of us all.


There are countless victims in a war…so many losses coast to coast….but, I imagine, in any war it is the children who lose the most.


All parents…every mother…every father…every woman…every man…want to see their children remain children for as along as children can.


It is the innocence of their childhood we’d like to take our time and walk them through…to show them all the beautiful things a little compassion and love can do.


Our children need us to be their teachers…to find a way to reach into their hearts and minds and souls…until it is their turn to teach.


It is a world of peace and love we’d like them to explore…but…how can we teach of peace and love in the middle of a war?


In truth…we can’t! Because even if children survive the war…if they’re one of the lucky ones…their eyes can never un-see the damage war has done.


For somewhere along the way they pay too high a cost…their purity is taken…their innocence is lost.


Because when children see that first bullet fired…that first bomb drop…with their initiation into war….no matter what we say or do…they are not children anymore.

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allets's picture

Everyone In A War

Scars last until death for wounded, winners  or losers, and the combattants who survive run the world after the treaty signing. Humans are heiarchal and instinctvely form groups for safety. Very cave woman. More is never enough, power comes with massive wealth, ugly greed follows. Social levels: castes, class, empires to peasants organize to perpetuate wealth and resourse accumulation. Homo Sapiens evilved from hunter/seekers inti killer/takers. Human life loses value vs. the filled stronghold. Wizards bedazzle the followers and the fool fighters who protect he hive. Queens have cake dreams.

The Chinese dynasties lasted centuries - we rose exponentially from the dream of steam engines, later gas/oil And will crash too due to rising greed of the forgotten and enslaved. Cars, trains, electricity, planes, guns and micro chips created the neo-dynasties. That is human nature - to own the sky, space, seas, stuff, land, and other people. Having been once owned, the children can get in line behind 4 centuries of horror leaving scars. We suck at compassion. And empathy. To enact and enforce no wars you would have to murder half the world's people, and hold a gun on the survivors to assure compliance. Blood and dominance, death and scars purchase civilization bubbles that always burst. Tough sell: nice. Especially with oil and gas wars heating up.







lyrycsyntyme's picture

During the Korean War, bombs

During the Korean War, bombs and ammunitions, largely produced by the United States, killed 25% of the entire population of what today is known as North Korea. To do simple math, this means that about 1 in every 2 children likely lost a parent. We wonder why it's so easy for the government there to be anti-US. We've never tried to wear the smoldering shoes and understand, let alone put them on our own children's feet and have them walk a year through life.


By the way, the potato famine created due to cruel british restrictions led to about a 25% death rate in Ireland, as well. In this case, it would be the grand children of the suffering who started the IRA, equipped with weapons after returning to "fight for the british" and die as infantry in massive rates in WW1.


To stop the cycle of war, we're going to need to stop empire. That's where it begins. The heart of a few wanting to control the many. Most of us are capable of slipping into this mindset of wanting to make others do things our way. We must personally overcome that, and then encouraging others to do the same. If and when enough people have learned to "live and let live", the public will see the oligarchs of the world for what they truly are.