He’s not sure exactly when it formed…can anyone ever be?

but they had a special bond…his grandmother and he.


She used to tell him he was her favorite grandson…that he was the most fun

even though, as they both knew, he was her only one.


And when his parents died…in an accident…unexpectedly

they were the only two people in the world…

his grandmother…and he.


“Try not to worry too much.” she said…as into his hand her hand slid.

“I promise I’ll take care of you.”…and that’s just what she did!


She became his mom and dad…and when all is said and done

he went from being her only grandson…to being her only son.


As age began to envelop her…one day to his surprise

she said, “Promise me you will be here the last time I close my eyes.”


“Of that you never have to worry.” he said as into her hand his hand slid.

“I promise I will be here.”…and that’s exactly what he did!


He was far away when he got the call…the doctor said she wouldn’t last

that she was asking for him…and could he get there…fast.


He drove as fast as he could…along the way…he cried

but he made it to the hospital in time…and he knelt by Grandma’s side.


“I knew you’d come she said to him.”…as a smile crossed her face

She raised up as he leaned down…and gently they embraced.


“We made a promise to each other.” he said, “when our two lives intertwined.”

“You kept your promise to me…and now I’m keeping mine. “


Grandma nodded then she whispered…”I love you son…goodbye.”

then she smiled, squeezed his hand and…for the last time…closed her eyes.


And a smile sneaked in through his tears that night…in bed…before he slept


as he marveled how two lives were made so beautiful by the two promises they kept.

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