I Still Feel Your Touch

She sat down beside me and put her head on my shoulder.


I've been waiting all night for this moment to hold her.


Wrapped my arms around and pulled her in close,


She looked up at me and gently swiped my nose.


I leaned in and whispered in her ear,


"I Love You Baby" just loud enough for her to hear.


Took a few moments and stared into her eyes,


She reached over and put her hand on my thigh.


In a blink of an eye, four months passed,


And I wish every day I could get those months back.


Now you're away and I don't know what the future hides,


Just to have you in my life again would be the greatest prize.


I'm lucky to have had you for that short time,


I still feel your touch though...


I don't care if that rhymed.


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Nice Line

"...I don't know what the future hides..." Well said - Lady A