
Deep down in the heart of mine,

Froths masochism with all its vigour,

Makes me laugh at my own woes,

And yearn for even a bigger share.


The pain gathered down in the heart,

Strains the four chambers to break,

Gains blood the calories to boil;

The vapours pass up through the chest,

Warming the air well in the lungs,

Causing its exit fast as sighs.


Up in the tender clefts of brain,

Forted around by skull impermeable,

Condenses it,trickles down the cheek,

Leaving a residue so red in the eyes.


Beholding the images of my visage,blurred...

That the mirror in front has reflected,

I burst into a mirth... unending..

Deep down in the heart of mine,

Froths masochism with all its vigour.

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palewingedpoetess's picture

Besides the beauty of the construct of this poem is ............

the beauty that you recognize these things in your self. As you know, what you don't admit to you cannot alter or repair. I'd say you are half way there. Really well constructed. Self analysis can be quite a beautiful thing in and of itself. Sincerely, Melissa Lundeen.

mine20's picture

thanks for ur valuable

thanks for ur valuable comments


bishu's picture

Very nice write Dear JSon

Very nice write Dear JSon.NJoyed it.Laghing at one's own self is perhaps the greatest trait of wisdom.Ah !! Arnie my idol Frown



allets's picture

Jus Found U

I will read again and again these gems and hope there will be more. ~allets~




mine20's picture

