
We are so far apart,

Yet I have never felt so near,

You are always in my heart,

You drive Away all my fear.

There is not a second in my life,

that I don’t think of you,

You have helped with all my struggles and my strife,

You make me happy when i am blue.

We are so far apart,

Yet I have never felt so near,

You are always in my heart,

You drive Away all my fear.

With conflict all around,

All I have to do is think of your name,

or something pertaining to your sound,

And all the conflicts become tame.

We are so far apart,

Yet I have never felt so near,

You are always in my heart,

You drive Away all my fear.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was wrote about my girlfriend, Andre'a, to let her know how much i love her! :)

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Laura Campos's picture

Nice Poem , Keep Up The Good Work :)

poetvg's picture

i know what
it is like
to have feelings
like that .

Nicole A.'s picture

This is so sweet. It's almost sickening! The poem would make a great love song...maybe done by a country artist........

onestrueheart's picture

Lovely sweetheart, it tells your girlfriend what is inside of you. Don't let her go, keep her inside as if she were a star above the heavens gleaming so ever bright. Love, Jessica Arana