Love Is Blind


Excuse me..sorry to bother you, but could you be the one to save me?


It seems that I have been trampled, broken, and left here to die by some cold, heartless person..


All they have left me with are these horribly beautiful memories. I don't know where they came from, but they have deeply disturbed me.


Dear God, please! Take them away!


They couldn't possibly be my own! I would never allow such a thing! ..I would never have loved someone so cruel! ..I would never let someone take every peice of me down to my soul and poison it, crush it, and leave me alone to clean it up..


What kind of person would allow that! Wouldn't you say that such lack of common sense, and tolerance of evil should be punished in such a way?


Who would lay with the devil, then walk along his side as he preached his false prophecies? Love surely isn't that blind! Is it truley possible for someone to be so passionate about manipulating an individual so thoroughly?..


I don't know how it's possible, but they truley loved one another.. Such a sick, twisted love story...Is it not?


How blind is love really?..




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a.griffiths57's picture

Love is blind:


A heartbreaking account of misuse in a relationship. I think love can be that blind; its a selfish love of the manipulator, and as you constantly asked in the poem, could he realy be that develish? The rest I think must be infatuation. I think your poem is a good read and very heart rendering.

allets's picture

Pretty Blind

...apparently. The most unlikely couples stay together - outside the individual is seen from the world's view of morality and censured - inside, the partner is blind wearing sunglasses - go figure. ~allets