Lightning Chasms

The landscape is lush

The ground is blue

The chasms are lightning

The trees have their own eerie hue

Sharp slicing leaves

Powerful spiking grass

The landscape is alive

The ground is red

With the blood

Of the innocent

Of the nice

Of the caring

Of the loving

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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture

It's always the blod of an innocent that has to be spilled
or a dragon eats the virgin tisk tisk.
why oh why.


running_with_rabbits's picture

lol coz nikki if it was the other way we would be gone and then what would the world come too jokes

uhm yes graeme..that was the second morbid one yet it wasn't coz it was finding joy in the midts of the morbid bit but... never mind i dont' know what i am talking about and i need sleep
oh thats right i was saying but i like it :)


Much Love
