A Friend to a Friend

in time we often see

when things are meant to be

they will indefinitely

getting through the currents

is a contant occurance

we must swim vigorously

make it through the blurriness

to gain sight again

remind yourself of your strength

never just pretend

lean on a friend

one you consider a limb

were all each others angels

we need not offend

embrace your fears

become a path for someone elses tears

reminding yourself that you too have been there


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mth610's picture

I really like this! Good job!

I really like this! Good job! :)

IamWhoIam's picture

thank you mucho i appreciate

thank you mucho i appreciate that

allets's picture

A Friend As A Limb

I like that - encouraging ~~A~~



IamWhoIam's picture

thank you

thank you